Hero image






Children look at different aeroplanes, make paper aeroplanes and then see which flies the furthest.


This session we consider how we are using up fossil fuels. How did we heat our homes and cook in the past? Discuss renewable energy and any local schemes to try and use more renewable energy. Challenge children to make a solar oven and cook something with it!
Shopping Bags

Shopping Bags

Food was bought locally and regularly in small shops after WW2. Assistants picked and weighed food for you, there was very little packaging as paper bags or your shopping basket were used. Children write a letter to persuade shops not to use plastic bags.
Think Global, Grow Local

Think Global, Grow Local

Discuss Farmers Markets and Pick Your Own food taking into consideration food miles, energy use, carbon footprint and produce. Calculate food miles involved in weekly shop (using labels and packaging from supermarkets). Children write an acrostic.


Children look at trains from different ages, then try to make a moving vehicle using magnets, then have a competition involving choosing magnetic metal objects.
The Moon

The Moon

Children explore the surface of the moon using a website, carry out the activity they didn’t do in session 12, then have a nanorover race.
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
Eclipses and seasons

Eclipses and seasons

The Sun is a million times larger than Earth so how can its rays sometimes be obscured by the much smaller Moon? Children discover how eclipses are created and how the Earth’s tilt on its axis creates seasons. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Earth, Moon and Sun

Earth, Moon and Sun

The world is in their hands in this session along with the Moon and the Sun! Children create drawn scale models of each and use a trundle wheel to measure scaled distances between them. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Star constellations

Star constellations

Children have stars in their eyes in this session as they find out more using internet research. They identify common constellations and discover how they are linked to horoscopes. How accurate are their star sign characteristics? Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Elastic band investigation

Elastic band investigation

S – t – r – e – t – c – h is the key word in this session as elastic bands are safely tested in the classroom. What happens as the mass suspended from the elastic band increases? Data on graphs will make the outcome clear. Suitable for Year 6 pupils.
Soil investigation

Soil investigation

Look at images, and discuss the effects and causes of flooding. Do a practical investigation about the permeability of 3 different types of soils including measuring. Review what children have learnt. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Other drugs

Other drugs

Discuss the use of the word drug for medicinal purposes as well as addictive substances. Children draw posters warning about the dangers of drugs in the home and draw conclusions about the various ongoing investigations about micro-organisms. Suitable for Y6 pupils.